My Town Monday: De-stressing in a Place with History

Two or three weeks ago, I scheduled an appointment at a spa. My daughter and husband had given me a gift certificate for Mothers’ Day, and this was the first chance I’d had to use it. I had to schedule the appointment three weeks out – not because that was the soonest they could fit me in, but because that was the soonest I could fit it in.

I went to the Square One Salon in downtown Dayton. I didn’t know it at the time, but this place has won national awards and has been featured on

It’s also in a historic district, which of course is a plus for me. The building is called The Cannery, and is part of the Webster Station Historic District. The spa’s neighbors include a British-themed tea room, a children’s art gallery and education center, and loft apartments in the upper floors. The building also used to house The Cannery Art and Design Gallery, but it moved recently.

The building was originally built as part of an industrial complex in the mid-1800s by Eugene Barney, one of Dayton’s captains of industry in the streetcar manufacturing business. The neighborhood was powered by DC electric – a major innovation at the time! Over the years, many food distributors and grocers occupied the building, hence its name.

While I waited for my appointment, I found a local interest book called Metropolitan Dayton. It was clear after thumbing through a few pages that the book–a contemporary guide to local business and industry–wasn’t new, as many of the businesses profiled in its pages had either left the area, undergone mergers, or had gone out of business. Other organizations, like the Air Force Institute of Technology and Wright State University, are much larger now. I finally found the copyright date in the back: 1993.

So I got in a little history, and the facial and massage were great! If you saw my last couple of posts, you can see where this was much-needed. Unfortunately, it didn’t reduce the length of my to-do list any, but it did have the expected de-stressing effect.

Have you been stressed lately? What do you do to de-stress?

ROW80: Need a Break

I blogged on Thursday how fragmented my time has become, and the more fragmented, the less I get done. As you might infer from that, the motivation’s still lacking, but this week, it’s not for lack of trying. It seemed whenever I planned to spend an evening buckling down and getting some of my goals knocked out, something would come along to derail that. One night it was an unplanned dinner out (I was hungry, so no problem there, but it took longer than eating in would have). Another night, a friend dropped by. This isn’t one who doesn’t “get” the need to do the writing, but someone I hadn’t seen a probably a good couple of years, so it was worthwhile to spend an enjoyable evening with her. I just didn’t get any progress made elsewhere.

I did get my author photos taken last week, and that seemed to go well. Looking forward to meeting with my photographer to see what he’s come up with!

  • Two more scenes on short story – got about half of one scene done.
  • Lesson 10 on How to Think Sideways – Nope
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 7 & 8 exercises – Nope
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – Got two interval workouts done, that’s it
  • Finish web design/copywriting side job and upload to client’s web host- Nope

I really don’t like that list with no green on it, but that’s how it goes. Time to take a step back.

One of my commenters on my “Fragmented” post mentioned that illness is life’s way of making us slow down. So that’s what I’m going to do this week, along with some other plans that would make it difficult to get much done. So I’m mostly taking the week off. Any progress on any of it will be a bonus!

Here are my goals for the quarter overall:

  • Work through Lesson 18 of How to Think Sideways Working on Lesson 10 now.
  • Complete Saturn Society short story for holiday anthology – working on it!
  • Release Times Two (combined ebook of Time’s Enemy and Time’s Fugitive) – waiting until I get web design project done and short story written
  • Complete Get It Together exercises and data gathering – Chapter 3 – 6 done
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts per week – ongoing
  • BONUS: Release Hangar 18: Legacy (It’s going to need a lot of edits, but not major story stuff. Whew!)
  • BONUS: Plot out and begin writing first book in new series

What are your plans for the rest of summer, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? Ever feel like you need to take a break? What do you do, especially if the break cuts into your goals progress?


Lately, it seems I can’t keep my mind on one thing long enough to accomplish anything. This is not just in writing, it’s everywhere – stuff I need to do at home, and also at my day job.

Sometimes, life can feel like this

You’d think it would be easy to stay focused on my job. I’m blessed to have a job I actually like, and the people I work for pretty much hand me a project to do then leave me alone to do it. They are so hands off they rarely even ask for progress. So I can sit at my computer and write code all day 😀 – yes, I know that sounds awful to a lot of people, but it’s what I love! People seldom stop by my desk and interrupt me, unlike jobs past where that was the reason I couldn’t get anything done. When my awesome, current coworkers stop by, it’s usually for something important, like lunch. Yet, there are enough facets to a programming project that I actually can – and do – break up my tasks.

There’s always documentation to be written – something none of us like to do (otherwise, we become business analysts, like one of my peeps), and always seems to be put off until the last minute. There are usually bugs to fix. Email to answer. Luckily, my desk phone hardly ever rings (heaven!) and when it does, it’s a wrong number half the time.

But even when I’m deep in coding, work gets fragmented because to see my changes, I have to restart the web server on my computer, which takes a minute or two.

And while it’s doing that, I’m off to read blogs. Or check personal email on my phone. Or something similar.

At first,  making use of these few minutes of downtime here and there seemed like a good way to keep up with all the blog reading I have. There are over 100 blogs in my Google Reader feed – granted, not all of them update regularly, or even often. But there are dozens of new ones to read every day, some of which I really enjoy and look forward to. But by the time I read a post and maybe comment, my web server’s been restarted for a couple of minutes and I’m basically goofing off. Not good. Other times, I’m on a roll with something, then a reminder pops up from Microsoft Outlook, or a random thing I need to remember pops into my head, so of course I have to note that great idea for a blog post on my phone, go call that person or make that appointment, or send that email. More fragmentation.

It’s worse at home, and I don’t have the excuse of waiting for a web server to restart. Mostly it’s that last thing – remembering something or the burst of inspiration that never comes when I’m actually working on the thing that needs inspiring. Sometimes I think of something I want to look up on the Internet – just for a minute! – which of course turns into fifteen. Or a half hour. Or more. I think this fragmentation is the root of all evil of my motivation problems. It doesn’t help that my to-do list is seemingly a mile long – and just thinking about it is overwhelming sometimes to the point that I just want to play computer games (and sometimes, that’s just what I do). This is worse when I’m not feeling well (my excuse reason for not posting a blog on Monday).

Some of this is within my control. Today, I went to work resolved to give my job my full attention, even if it meant twiddling my thumbs for a minute while waiting for the ol’ web server to restart or some files to copy over the network.

I got a lot done – got my project deployed to where my coworkers can use it, in fact. I got documentation written – a whole release notes document. Not a big one, but important. It felt good, I felt accomplished, and I enjoyed work more.

My blog reading might just have to get cut back a bit.

The other stuff is harder to get a handle on – what I call the “life” stuff. Remembering at nine PM, an appointment I have to make the next day during business hours. The best way to be sure I’ll remember it is to email myself at work – right now. That thing I have to look up on the Internet before I forget. I still haven’t gotten to blogs yet today, or writing, other than this blog post, because of planning other things – and playing a computer game or two.

What about you? Have you noticed your life getting more fragmented as you get older or take on more roles (adding “writer” to “mom/dad,” “employee,” “husband/wife,” etc.)? Does it disrupt your enjoyment of things you used to love? How did/do you handle it? Right now, “power through” is my only answer. Wish me luck that it’ll continue!

ROW80: Powering Through

Motivation was low this week – I’m not sure why. I had other, little things that piled up – and I was motivated to do none of it. I did manage to force myself to do my writing, which was exciting because I haven’t written any significant amount of new material in almost three years.

I know part of what made that hard to do was fear. But I pushed through and made myself get something down, even though it’s probably not that good. Thank goodness for revisions! Here are the details:

  • Two scenes on short story -Done!
  • Lesson 9 on How to Think Sideways – Done!
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 5 – 8 exercises – Got 5 & 6 done.
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – Done
  • Track exercise & consumption 5 days – No. Going to rethink this one.
  • BONUS: Web design/copywriting side job – the client got back to me Tuesday or Wednesday, and I got part of his changes made. So not bad.

Not as much as I wanted, but it’s something.

On another note relating to one of my overall goals, one of my beta readers for Hangar 18 wasn’t working out, so I asked someone else – a coworker who is also retire USAF. He gave the book a quick read and got me a bunch of feedback the NEXT DAY! And it was good info – wow, did I miss a lot of details! He even offered to give it a more through read, to which I said, sure! Have I said lately how my coworkers are awesome?

So Hangar 18 is at least moving forward again. I am also getting new author photos taken later today, and I’m a little nervous. Here’s what else is on deck for this week:

  • Two more scenes on short story
  • Lesson 10 on How to Think Sideways
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 7 & 8 exercises
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts
  • Finish web design/copywriting side job and upload to client’s web host
  • BONUS: Additional writing on short story

Here are my goals for the quarter overall:

  • Work through Lesson 18 of How to Think Sideways Working on Lesson 10 now.
  • Complete Saturn Society short story for holiday anthology – working on it!
  • Release Times Two (combined ebook of Time’s Enemy and Time’s Fugitive) – waiting until I get web design project done and short story written
  • Complete Get It Together exercises and data gathering – Chapter 3 – 6 done
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts per week – ongoing
  • BONUS: Release Hangar 18: Legacy (It’s going to need a lot of edits, but not major story stuff. Whew!)
  • BONUS: Plot out and begin writing first book in new series

What are your plans for the rest of summer, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? Got any suggestions for motivation, when you’re having trouble meeting your goals?

ROW80: Success, continued – mostly

I pulled one of my old tricks this week, and forgot that I had an all-afternoon writing workshop on Saturday. With an hour drive time each way, that took up most of my day. Normally, I spend a lot of Saturdays finishing up my goals. But in spite of that lack of planning on my part, I didn’t do too badly!

  • Complete web design/copywriting side job I took on last month – Done! (at about 11pm last night 🙂 )
  • Come up with 5 plot cards for short story – Yes! It all coalesced on Thursday evening, and I got my plotting done! Now the hard part comes. 🙂 
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 5 – 7 exercises – I got most of 5 and 6 done. Better than none!
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – Done!
  • Track exercise & consumption 5 days – Nope. I just can’t get back into this habit, and I need to, because tracking it helps me not snack as much.

But overall, I’m happy with my progress. So here’s what’s on deck for this week:

  • Two scenes on short story – I’m very rusty on writing new material, so this could be a stretch. Ideally, I could get the whole thing written, but I don’t want to count on it. Getting started will also take care of Lesson 9 on How to Think Sideways.
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 5 – 8 exercises – Adding one more to keep with my two chapters/week schedule.
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts
  • Track exercise & consumption 5 days
  • BONUS: Web design/copywriting side job – it’s waiting for the client’s review right now. If he gets back to me on time, I’d like to get the changes made and get it hosted. But that’s dependent on him.
  • BONUS: Additional writing on short story

Here are my goals for the quarter overall:

  • Work through Lesson 18 of How to Think Sideways Waiting to jump back into this when I get started writing the short story.
  • Release Times Two (combined ebook of Time’s Enemy and Time’s Fugitive) – waiting until I get web design project done
  • Complete Saturn Society short story for holiday anthology – working on it!
  • Complete Get It Together exercises and data gathering – Chapter 3 – 4 done, 5 & 6 started
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts per week – ongoing
  • Work back into tracking exercise and consumption – ongoing
  • BONUS: Release Hangar 18: Legacy (if I get it back from the beta readers sometime this month, and depending on edits needed)
  • BONUS: Plot out and begin writing first book in new series

What are your plans for the rest of summer, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? If you’re doing this or some other kind of goal-setting, what’s your strategy to get back on track if you’re having trouble meeting all your goals?

ROW80: Start Small for Success

I took it easy this week, goal-wise, as I didn’t have much success in the final weeks of the last ROWnd. That seems to have worked, as I met all of my goals this week, and even accelerated on a couple!

Here’s what I did:

  • Research online for short story – Done!
  • Come up with synopsis sentence for short story – Done!
  • Review How to Think Sideways exercises for ideas to work in to short story – Done! I even got some plot ideas written down.
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 3 & 4 exercises (the authors suggest doing 1 & 2 last) – Done! I also did most of Chapter 5.
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – Done!

And here’s what I’m planning for this week:

  • Complete web design/copywriting side job I took on last month
  • Come up with 5 plot cards for short story
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 5 – 7 exercises
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts
  • Track exercise & consumption 5 days
  • BONUS: Format Time’s Two for Smashwords

Here are my goals for the quarter overall:

  • Work through Lesson 18 of How to Think Sideways Waiting to jump back into this when I get started writing the short story.
  • Release Times Two (combined ebook of Time’s Enemy and Time’s Fugitive)
  • Complete Saturn Society short story for holiday anthology I’m hoping to participate in – have summary sentence written
  • Complete Get It Together exercises and data gathering – Chapter 3 – 4 done
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts per week – ongoing
  • Work back into tracking exercise and consumption – ongoing
  • BONUS: Release Hangar 18: Legacy (if I get it back from the beta readers sometime this month, and depending on edits needed)
  • BONUS: Plot out and begin writing first book in new series

What are your plans for the rest of summer, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? If you’re doing this or some other kind of goal-setting, what’s your strategy to get back on track if you’re having trouble meeting all your goals?

ROW80: Worst-Case Planning

I didn’t even manage to make a final post for the final check-in last round; I’ll use “being in France with only occasional Internet” for my excuse reason. At any rate, trip preparations, my mind being elsewhere, and last-minute things I had to do around the house prevented me from making much progress, so my report would have been pretty much the same as the one prior.

But it’s a new round, time for new goals, and a fresh start! I’m having trouble getting back into the swing of things, even though I was only gone a week and a half, so I’m going to start out easy. In the last round, I also learned (again) that I need to limit my goals to things that are 100% in my control. My two beta readers still have Hangar 18, and I don’t want to rush them, so I’ll make that goal conditional.

I’m also adding something new, and not writing-related; I guess you could call it worst case planning. My parents are 70 and pushing-70, and my husband’s been after me for years to find out where they keep their personal papers, powers of attorney, health care wishes, etc. in the event that something happens to them and someone needs to make decisions. It’s not a pleasant topic and one that no one wants to discuss, so I keep meaning to do it if something leads in to it, but that time’s never come.

Then it occurred to me that my husband and I need to have this stuff collected together in case something happens to us. Thing is, it’s even more certain than taxes, will happen to everyone eventually, and no one knows when. So I found a book that looked like a good guide to organizing all this info and walks you through doing a little bit at a time. Baby steps! So completing those exercises will be my goal this quarter, and if I like it, I’ll suggest it to my parents when I hand my information to them.

Here are my goals for the quarter overall:

  • Work through Lesson 18 of How to Think Sideways
  • Release Times Two (combined ebook of Time’s Enemy and Time’s Fugitive)
  • Complete Saturn Society short story for holiday anthology I’m hoping to participate in – kind of scary because I haven’t written short fiction since freshman year of college, and that wasn’t very good
  • Complete Get It Together exercises and data gathering
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts per week
  • Work back into tracking exercise and consumption
  • BONUS: Release Hangar 18: Legacy (if I get it back from the beta readers sometime this month, and depending on edits needed)
  • BONUS: Plot out and begin writing first book in new series

And here’s what I’ll do this week to work toward them:

  • Research online for short story
  • Come up with synopsis sentence for short story
  • Review How to Think Sideways exercises for ideas to work in to short story
  • Complete Get It Together Chapter 3 & 4 exercises (the authors suggest doing 1 & 2 last)
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts

What are your plans for the rest of summer, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? Have you collected together “life plans” and info for your family?

ROW80: Sometimes, there really isn’t enough time

I kept my load light again this week, knowing it would be a busy one with two web design project to do outside of my day job. But Wednesday, I still wasn’t where I wanted to be, so I re-evaluated how I was spending my time. Surely there was something in there, somewhere I was spending too much time taking “breaks” to play Solitaire, etc.

But there wasn’t. That night I accounted for every 15 minutes, and only one 15-minute segment was spent on a game break. Otherwise, every bit of it was spent plotting my next book, exercising, reading/answering email/blogs/social media, or working on web design (two hours there).

Sometimes there really isn’t any extra time, and we have to admit that we can’t do it all without sacrificing sleep (not a good idea, health-wise or productivity/quality-wise, for me). Here’s how the week went:

  • Work halfway through Lesson 8 of How to Think Sideways – almost! But not quite.
  • Initial design for the builder’s website – started, but not enough to show him. Hopefully tonight!
  • Publish and host the massage therapists’ website – Done! And she loves it!
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – Done!
  • Work back into tracking exercise and consumption – minimum four days this week – uh… no. Maybe next ROW80.

Here are the overall goals:

  • Release Time’s Fugitive, in both ebook and print – Done!
  • Complete Holly Lisle’s How to Write a Series workshop – Done!
  • How to Think Sideways workshop – complete through Lesson 8 – on track!
  • Get Times Two (Time’s Enemy/Time’s Fugitive box set) ready for release as an ebook – not going to happen, but since I’m delaying the release, that’s OK.

Next check-in will be my last for this ROW, as I don’t do Wednesday check-ins. So here’s this week’s plan:

  • Finish Lesson 8 of How to Think Sideways
  • Initial design for the builder’s website
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts

How are you doing in this round of ROW80 – are you on track for your overall goals?

ROW80: Cheating… sort of

I knew I’d need to go easy on the goals this week. I did manage to meet all of my pared-down goals, so it all worked out. It wasn’t easy – I had a push on one yesterday, and it was hard to motivate myself to do my workout, but I did it!

  • Complete Lesson 6b of How to Think Sideways – Done, although I sort of cheated on a couple parts. One involved reviewing my WIP to the point I’ve done it, and I haven’t really started it yet, so that one was a gimme.
  • Cover design for Times Two – Done!
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts. Done!

Times Two Box Set, coming this summer

Hangar 18 is not going to be ready for release this ROW, as it’s still with beta readers. I’d planned to release either it or Times Two, but decided to participate in a promotional opportunity in mid-June that doesn’t make a release feasible. So I’m changing my goal to get it formatted and ready for release, but won’t hit Publish probably until mid-July. So here are the overall goals:

  • Release Time’s Fugitive, in both ebook and print – Done!
  • Complete Holly Lisle’s How to Write a Series workshop – Done!
  • How to Think Sideways workshop – complete through Lesson 8 – on track!
  • Get Times Two (Time’s Enemy/Time’s Fugitive box set) ready for release as an ebook – on track!

This week’s going to be another tricky one, as I have taken on a couple of side web design jobs. One is for my massage therapist, whose site I designed several months ago, but who didn’t provide me any content until yesterday. The other is a new site for a builder who did a second-story addition for us about 10 years ago. So with working those in, here are the plans:

  • Work halfway through Lesson 8 of How to Think Sideways
  • Initial design for the builder’s website
  • Publish and host the massage therapists’ website if she gets the rest of the content to me
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts
  • Work back into tracking exercise and consumption – minimum four days this week

How are you doing in this round of ROW80 – or if you’re not a writer, or not doing the ROW, for this spring?

ROW80: New Beginnings

Last night, I drove my daughter and her boyfriend to prom. To prom. I can’t believe it! It seems so cliche to say, but it really does seem like only yesterday she was six pounds, thirteen ounces, in my arms. And now she’s sixteen, and going to prom.

I drove them their in our ’70 Bonneville convertible, which my husband bought and restored almost 20 years ago, and finished just in time for our wedding.  Normally he would have had the honor of being the chauffeur, but he had to work. I’ve only driven it once or twice, and that was before our daughter was born. Like writing new material when you haven’t for a long time, it was scary at first, but by the time I pulled out of our street, no worries!

Isn't she lovely? Oh, the car, too...

Both driving that car, and sending my daughter off to her junior prom, were new beginnings of sorts – which brings me to this week’s ROW80 check-in.

I’ve finished the How to Write a Series workshop, one of my primary goals. I’ve also completed the print publication of Time’s Fugitive, another of my major goals. So now it’s time to move on to my other goals, one of which is planning my next book. I’m going to jump back into Holly Lisle’s How to Think Sideways workshop with this one, so I’m going to modify the goal to reflect that. But it’s really the same – still about planning the book.

Here’s the rest of the skinny:

  • Upload Time’s Fugitive print book to Lightning Source – Done! Proof received and approved, and coming to an e-retailer near you!
  • Complete Lesson 4 of How to Write a Series (which will finish the workshop) – Done!
  • Cover for Hangar 18: Legacy – Done! Cover reveal coming soon!
  • Write two guest blogs I’ve promised people – got one of them done, still need to email it to the blogger
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – still not there, but better – 3 intervals, 1 short workout done
  • Track exercise and consumption – still only about halfway there
  • BONUS: Develop list of things I can tweet about my books – No
  • BONUS: Write content for author newsletter – No

Overall goal progress:

  • Release Time’s Fugitive, in both ebook and print – Done!
  • Complete Holly Lisle’s How to Write a Series workshop – Done!
  • How to Think Sideways workshop – complete through Lesson 8 (1-4 done previously)
  • Release Hangar 18: Legacy – OR – release Times Two (Time’s Enemy/Time’s Fugitive box set) as an ebook – Cover design for Hangar 18 done! Also got some great feedback from first beta reader – thank you, Carey!
  • Bonus: Both of the above – on hold until other goals accomplished
For this week:
  • Complete Lesson 5 of How to Think Sideways
  • Develop Book Info sheet for Hangar 18: Legacy and follow up with other beta readers
  • Write guest blog I promised, and email the written one to the blogger
  • Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts
  • Track exercise and consumption
  • BONUS: Develop list of things I can tweet about my books
  • BONUS: Write content for author newsletter

I’d love to hear from you! Have you started anything new this week? How are you doing in this round of ROW80 – or if you’re not a writer, or not doing the ROW, for this spring?