Friends, Fun, and new Fiction!

Crab boil

A Fantastic Feast!

The weather has been changing here in Ohio this past week. We had a couple of hot days, but now, it’s a wonderful mid-seventies and sunny. The sinus headaches due to the change have passed (I hope). Yesterday we had some friends over for a crab boil, much like we did last year. Unlike last year, everyone has mostly stayed healthy and uninjured. My husband calls these gatherings “Family, Friends, Food, and Fun!” And it definitely was all of the above. Isis’ “boyfriend” even came over. 😀

Isis and her buddy

Isis and her buddy

Earlier this week, I’ve mostly been busy preparing for the release of my newest novel, Time’s Best Friend, which releases tomorrow, September 21. My publisher plans to raise the price from its preorder sale in a couple of days, so if you’re thinking about giving it a try, get it soon. Isis has, as usual, been preparing by practicing lots of ball catching. The other night, she even fell asleep with the ball in her mouth (and snored around it, LOL!). I still had a chance to read, too, but did not yet finish the novel I started a couple of weeks ago (and it’s fantastic, so that’s more a reflection on how much I’ve been doing than on the novel).

TrumpZombieWhat I read this week: I didn’t finish the novel, but I did squeeze in a short story. “Donald Trump: Zombie Hunter” by Jon Davidson looked too funny to resist, so I gave it a look. It did not disappoint! Even better, with the level of absurdity therein, it’s funny no matter where you sit on the political spectrum, and well worth the $.99 it cost. All it lacked was a decent cover.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: This past week went well, though I slacked off on the writing earlier this week so had to push it a bit yesterday. But I got 2500 words in before the gathering, so all good and goal met! Round Three ends this week, so this is also my quarterly wrapup. Here’s what I laid out as my goals back in July, and how I did:

  • Work with my publisher to get Time’s Enemy made free for promotional purposes. DONE!
  • Make changes suggested by my beta readers that I agree with on my upcoming release, and submit it to my publisher. DONE!
  • Make changes suggested by my editor, and approve for publication! DONE!
  • Dig back in to my next Saturn Society novel that’s about half finished, revise the outline, and complete the first draft. Not done/goal changed.
  • Send out newsletter once a month (maybe twice if I have major news). DONE!

It was an ambitious plan, but I accomplished four out of the five items on the list. The last one changed due to some feedback from my beta readers on the current release. There was a bit of backstory in that book that they wanted to see more fully developed, but not in that book (which was already long enough, and the backstory would have just been a side trip). Instead, they suggested writing it in a tie-in novella. So that was the changed goal. While I would have liked to finish drafting the novella, edits and proofreading my galleys took longer than I thought. I did get it completely outlined and am about 1/4 of the way through it. So that’s what I call a successful fail!

What about you–how has the weather been in your area? Have you ever done or attended a crab boil? Read any good books lately? How are you doing on whatever goals you may have set for yourself? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.



Coming Soon: Time’s Best Friend

I’ve spent the past two weeks making final edits to my upcoming Saturn Society novel, Time’s Best Friend.

That’s right, I can finally announce it, as my publisher has fast-tracked it for publication – and the release date is next Monday, September 21! Even better, they’re offering it for a special preorder price of $2.99. After the release, it goes up to $4.99. Of course, you can score an even better deal if you join my readers group email list (hint, hint). Anyway, here’s the scoop on Time’s Best Friend:

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Time’s Best Friend

A Saturn Society Novel

ISBN: 978-0-9839097-9-8

A Chance She Can’t Miss
In 1939, time-traveling, Appalachian farm woman Florie LeBeau fell in love with an 18th-century frontiersman, and vowed to cross time to be with him again. Then war broke out, forcing her to wait four years to travel back two hundred. But when she arrives in 1756, she finds her frontiersman doesn’t know her, Nazi soldiers occupy her historic home, and her only friend a mysterious dog who just might be their spy.

A Tale He Can’t Believe
Ousted from his home by strange Hessian soldiers, fur trapper Zeke Allen can’t believe his luck when his new hunting dog brings him a woman. Knowledgeable in the ways of pioneer life, the lovely Miss LeBeau could make the perfect wife, if not for her crazy tales of time travel, a club called the Saturn Society, and an impossible war in the twentieth century she insists she comes from—and to which she must return.

A Predicament They Can’t Escape
Slowly, Zeke begins to believe Florie’s crazy stories as his fondness grows into a love she returns. But the men she calls Nazis tear her away from him, plunging her into a future where she must deliver information that could change the outcome of the war. Finding her way back to Zeke proves difficult. Harder still: convincing others of the truth–and saving her canine rescuer and herself from the Saturn Society, the very people she thought would protect her.

Readers who enjoy the Saturn Society won’t want to miss this standalone addition, while those new to the series will find this introduction an unusual time travel story rich in action, romance, and history.

That has taken up most of the past week, though there was also a family birthday gathering and my professional writers group meeting in there. I still found time to read, though!

HellOnHighWhat I read this week and last: Hell on High by Holly Lisle and Ted Nolan. This is the third and final book of Holly Lisle’s Devil’s Point series. The main premise of the series overall is that several hundred thousand denizens of hell have been released in North Carolina, for a chance to repent and become what they once were. It’s a contemporary fantasy with a lot of humor. I liked this book, but not as much as I liked books 1 and 2. I think the reason was that there were many different points of view, and it took a while before it focused on the main characters. However, it got better as it went on, with a nice romance in there, too.

8-minuteDictateI also read a couple of short nonfiction books for writers: The Eight-minute Writing Habit, and Dictate Your Book by Monica Leonelle. The first book is great if you’re having trouble finding time to write, or when you do have time, you don’t write. It distills the things that keep us from writing into short, yet comprehensive lists, starting with the number one detractor: fear. While it also deals with getting to the writing when we have limited time, it focuses on fears first, which IMO is exactly what most of us need. What is especially helpful is it then gives writers a plan for conquering each of the fears and other things that keep us from writing. While it is geared more toward beginners, those who have been writing for a long time and even published will find many useful tips here.

The other writing book, Dictate Your Book (also by Monica Leonelle), gives some great tips on how to get started with writing by dictation–some fast, easy ways to try it out, software to use, device and hardware recommendations, and more. It starts by giving some good reasons to give this a try and how to go about dictating if you’ve never done it before. I hadn’t really considered doing this, as I don’t like talking to myself and tend to fumble with my words when I speak, but after reading this, it’s something I want to try.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: Last week’s goals were to get my edits done and back to my publisher. Then this past week’s primary goal was to proof my galleys when they sent them to me, and get them back in a timely manner. Both of those are DONE so that’s a big win! It also marks a big goal that’s been on my list for over a year: to finish this story for publication. Luckily, my publisher was understanding when what started as a short story turned into a novel, and adjusted my deadline accordingly. This week’s goal is to get back on the related novella (which I am pretty sure will stay a novella) for 5,000 new words. In addition, I want to do another 3-5 things on my marketing/promo/website list.

What about you–have you met any big goals or crossed any big to-dos off your list lately? How are you doing on any goals you might currently have? Have you read anything good lately, whether fiction or nonfiction? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.

How Routines can Free us from Guilt

One thing with my writing that has been a constant struggle is how to divide my time between marketing and writing new material. Some long-time pros advocate focusing on the new writing, as the best marketing is to publish a new book. I observe other authors who seem to publish a book (or two, or three), then spend all their time marketing and networking. Both approaches can work, but the former begs the question, what good is publishing another book if they’re all invisible? And the latter often makes us cranky, because we got into this because we love to write, not because we love to market.

Clearly, some balance is needed. But after seeing so many marketing ploys either not work for others, or work only when those others have many more books out than me, I sort of gave up on it and focused on learning and writing. And no one was finding my books. Which brought forth all kinds of unhappy thoughts: if no one’s reading, why am I bothering to publish? I really needed to do something to keep my books out there.

I switched gears into marketing this summer. It has helped. I wasn’t happy focusing on that, but I couldn’t mentally switch from new writing to doing marketing each evening.

Isis has no problem with guilt - but is good at inducing it in others!

Isis has no problem with guilt – but is good at inducing it in others!

Then it dawned on me that some advice I saw for balancing the publishing tasks with writing could also work for the marketing: set aside one day a week for that stuff, and write the rest of the week. I’ve been doing this for stuff around the house for years–for example, Monday nights are when I do bill paying and bookkeeping for my husband’s businesses. Anything that comes in during the week goes into my letter sorter, and stays there until Monday. It’s so much more efficient than dealing with each piece of paper the day it comes in–or putting it off, and being late. I’ve read variations of this before, so I don’t know why I never tried it–until now.

Last week, I devoted Sunday to writing my blog, doing website stuff, and getting through a couple things on my marketing list. I didn’t plan to write that day, so no guilt there. And I got a lot done, in addition to the usual household stuff I do on Sunday.

I also did no writing on Monday, which is typical since that’s bookkeeping day. But I did write every other day this week, and again–no guilt over not doing any of the other tasks.

So we’re going to stick with this plan for the time being, and adjust if it doesn’t work. One catch is that sometimes Sundays are taken up by other things, like family get-togethers. I have one of those coming up next week. So on those days, I’ll just pare down my usual list to maybe one item that can easily be done after I get home, and ditch the guilt.

What I read this week: I’m only about halfway through this novel, so I’ll blog about it after I finish.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: Last week’s goal was to write 5,000 words on the novella, plus do 3-5 items on the marketing/website list. I added 7500 words to the novella (though admittedly, some of those were copy/paste from my outline), plus I updated my headers on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, and set up a special offer for my newsletter readers, and sent out a newsletter. Speaking of which, anyone is welcome to sign up for that, which you can do here. I also received my upcoming novel back from my editor, so making the edits is my writing priority for this week. In addition, I’ll complete another 3-5 items from my website/marketing list today.

What about you–do you have certain tasks you delegate to certain days? Or do you try to do a little each day? If you don’t, do you get a bad case of the “shoulds,” or is it just me? What are some routines or time-management tips that have helped you? And how are you doing on whatever goals you might have? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.

Why I Need Routines

Some people can live life spontaneously, sticking to a schedule only when it’s absolutely required: a job with regular hours, or kids who need to go to school.

I am not one of those people.

I’m one who needs a plan. (And yes, when I write, I’m a plotter.) That doesn’t mean the plan is inflexible; just that it exists and is mostly workable. But too much deviance in routine typically means I get nothing done. Case in point: no blog last week.

It is tough being the traveling dog!

It is tough being the traveling dog!

The main reason there is that Sunday is my blog writing day, and my past two Sundays have been spent at DD’s house near her university. Two weeks ago, we moved her in. Last week, her roommates were all there, so we went back. DH wanted to do a brief teaching session on “house stuff,” i.e., breakers, water shutoffs, furnace filters, etc. Then there were a number of little things to fix–things that were our responsibility, since we’re the landlords. Isis went along too–her job was to keep the seat warm in the truck on the way to and from, and to look cute while there.

All things worthwhile to do, just meant that my writing has taken a back seat.

My other challenge in the writing is dividing time between creating new material, and marketing what’s already out there. Until this summer, I’ve pretty much given no attention to the latter, and since then, it’s been almost all marketing (mostly learning), making me grumpy because I haven’t written.

Both are necessary, but I have trouble shifting from one to the other. So this week, I decided it’s time to put into practice a good idea I’d read a while back: spend one day a week on the marketing, the rest on writing new fiction. Today is the beginning of that, so we’ll see how that goes.

demonicdoraWhat I read last week: Demonic Dora by Claire Chilton. This YA fantasy is categorized under “dark comedy,” and that’s a very appropriate description. The main character, Dora, is constantly annoyed by her religious fanatic parents and finally succeeds in summoning a demon–a bumbling, and very cute teen boy demon. She ends up going to stay with him and his even nuttier family in hell, and it’s one absurd situation after another (and I mean absurd in the very best way). As the stakes got higher, I turned the pages faster, and will definitely pick up the next in the series. As a side note, my favorite character was Dora’s fuzzy, brown pet demon named Pooey. The prequel is free on all the major retailers, and you can get Demonic Dora for free by signing up for the author’s reader’s group newsletter (I actually bought my copy before that offer was available, and it was totally worth it).

What I read this week: Short stories!

oncecoffeeOnce Upon a Coffee” by Kait Nolan is a cute, contemporary romance. I generally prefer some suspense or speculative elements in my romance, but once in a while, this sort of light, fun read is just what I’m in the mood for. Next time I’m in that mood, I’ll definitely consider buying another in this series.

unintendedguardianUnintended Guardian” by Jami Gold is a paranormal romance series starter. It’s a shapeshifter book, but the worldbuilding and limitations on the character were very well done, as was the characterization. I really enjoyed it, and plan on buying the next one.

alien-brideAlien Mail Order Bride: Allyssa” by Meg Cooper was also a light, fun read. The sci-fi worldbuilding was on the sparse side, but that’s appropriate for this short a story. Also, the alien guy was pretty human–just taller (and hunkier) than most Earth men. The other side of that is this story came across to me more as a contemporary romance in sci-fi clothing, but it was still enjoyable.

All of these are free, so if they sound like something you’d enjoy, click the cover or title to get them on Amazon. “Coffee” and “Guardian” are also available at other retailers, for those who prefer to shop elsewhere.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: Two weeks ago, my goal was to go over my front and back matter for my upcoming Saturn Society novel. I actually did get that done, but not much else since then. I did, however, start writing my next book, a novella tie-in to the upcoming novel. And I made a list of all the marketing tasks I have yet to do. So this week, the goal is to get through three to five things on the list (they are relatively small things), and write 5,000 words on the novella.

What about you–are you a spontaneous person, or do you do better with a plan? Have you had any disruptions to routine recently? And have you read any good books lately? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.

Life Rolls

This has been a “life happens” week, one where I knew I would not get much writing done. Author Kristine Kathryn Rusch calls times like this “life rolls,” and all we can do is just roll with it.

I had some family stuff going on, most of which was expected. When this stuff wasn’t actively going on, it was stuff that still occupied thoughts and sapped my energy. This was also expected.

It wasn’t all bad stuff–in fact, most of it wasn’t. For one, it was my daughter’s 20th birthday. We kept the celebration simple, and everyone seemed fine with that.

On a different note, I updated my computer to Windows 10. So far I’m happy with it. It’s everything the reviews have promised–all the best features of Windows 7, plus the best features of Windows 8 (and none of those people hate). I especially like the new Microsoft Edge web browser. I’ve been a Google Chrome user for years because it’s much faster than Internet Explorer or Firefox, but Edge blows Chrome away. I have noticed a few weird things on websites that don’t work exactly like in the other browsers, but they are minor (for example, the drag and drop photo upload to WordPress. Just use the old-style browse to photos). Definitely worthwhile! If you do the upgrade though, be sure to allow it at least a couple hours–it took a good while on my Internet computer to move all the files and update everything. And yes, all my programs work so far, including Photoshop, of which my version is over 1o years old!

We got the living room set up pretty nice!

We got the living room set up pretty nice!

We spent all day today moving DD into the off-campus house near her university, where she’ll live the next two years. I spent most of the afternoon taking her shopping, and helping her do things like put up curtains and hang pictures, plus fix a couple small things in the house while DH took care of bigger things. Isis went along and supervised, but we were all so busy, no one got any photos of her.

What I read this week: I have not had time to read much more than a chapter or so each night, and am less than halfway through, so I’ll discuss this week’s book when I finish it.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: My goal this week was to make the last few changes to my WIP and get it to my editor. That is DONE. However, I still need to get all the front matter and back matter, so that’s what’s on deck for writing this week.

What about you–have you had any “life rolls” recently? Or at least a “life happens” week? How long did it take you to get back in the swing afterward? If you’re a Windows user, have you upgraded to Windows 10 yet? How are you doing on whatever goals you might be working toward, whether writing or otherwise? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.

A Day in the Life

One blog I read almost every day is Dean Wesley Smith. For those who don’t know, he has been a professional fiction writer since the mid-80s. Over the past two years, he’s blogged about his day every day without fail.

Would I do this? My first thought was “how boring that would be!” There’s a reason I write fiction, people. 😀 Most of my days are pretty much the same, and would not be of interest to anyone reading.

Then I realized most of Smith’s days are also the same; he just does different things than I. For instance, he goes to the bank and the post office every day, and runs errands for his businesses (he owns a publishing company and a memorabilia shop, among other things). Then he goes to meetings at the publishing company, works on stuff for his workshops, goes home, eats dinner, does the dishes, watches TV, takes a nap… and finally gets around to writing about 12 hours or so after he got up that day. And he writes a LOT in that time.

Isis twisty

Isis chooses to lie like this while DH watches TV

So what do I do? It turns out, my days are not so different. I go to my day job (Smith considers the work he does for his businesses his day job). After I get home, I play games on my tablet for a little while as DH watches TV. Then dinner, cleanup (if DH or DD cooks), the feed the turtle and gerbils (Isis eats when we do). After that, I get to the writing, which is 12-13 hours after I got up. I don’t have the kind of productivity Smith has, as I’m still juggling marketing and promo in with that, while he does those things as part of his publishing company work. But when I am writing new words, I can usually get 1,000 in an hour, which is about what he does. (He has way more energy than me, so puts more time in.) I’m not comparing, that’s just what I can do.

Usually, no writing happens on Monday. That’s when I pay bills and do the bookkeeping for my husband’s businesses. The first and last of the months are usually the busiest–that’s when we collect rent, and when the bank statements need to be reconciled. Sometimes I am able to squeeze writing in mid-month.

Sometimes other things happen, like family commitments. There’s some of that coming up this week. The thing with that is, to just roll with it as much as I can and don’t get annoyed that I can’t do the writing on those days. But no matter what else is going on, I usually manage to read a bit before I go to bed. Which brings me to…

Miracle PieWhat I read this week: Miracle Pie by Edie Ramer. This is a contemporary romance, something that’s normally not my thing. But I loooooove Edie Ramer’s books, and while I usually prefer some suspense or speculative elements in my contemporary fiction, her Miracle books have just enough magic in them to keep my interest (I would consider them magical realism). Also, this book has a dog in it. 🙂 Highly recommended!

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: My goal for the past two weeks was to get the edits done from my beta readers, who basically serve as first-round editors (my editor says my manuscripts are among the cleanest she sees; this is why.) I got them done, so that’s a win! For this week, I need to review the outline for the new, related novella to see if there’s anything I need for continuity’s sake, then send it off to my editor. Newsletter subscribers will get a sneak peek later this week (or maybe next, depending on the family stuff coming up). So if you want in on that, sign up here, and get a free copy of my short story “Time’s Holiday” as a bonus! I won’t spam you and you can unsubscribe anytime if it’s not your thing.

What about you–what’s your typical week like? Do you have trouble sometimes fitting in the things you do because you want to? Have you ever seen a dog lie on someone’s lap like Isis? 😀 Whether you’re a writer or not, how are you doing on whatever goals you might have? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.

Changing Plans Already

The great thing about ROW80 (besides it being “the writing challenge that knows you have a life”) is the fact that it’s perfectly fine–encouraged, even–to change our goals when needed. After meeting with a writing friend to discuss my upcoming release, I’ve decided to do just that. Not with the stuff already in process, but with the later goals for this round.

Since Isis likes glasses so much, we figured she should try them on

Since Isis likes glasses so much, we figured she should try them on

But leading up to that: Monday was Dogs night at the ice cream shop, and Isis had been good, so she got her custard cup. Then after we got home, she chewed yet another pair of DH’s reading glasses! This is the sixth pair–good thing they’re cheap!

After that, it was a pretty quiet week until Thursday, when Traveling Daughter came home from Germany. What she was most looking forward to: unsweetened iced tea, and Mexican food. So the first place we went after picking her up at the airport was our local Mexican restaurant, which she greatly appreciated.

Friday was a take-it-easy day, especially since DH spent the weekend camping for the NASCAR race in Kentucky. Then on Saturday, my writing friend came over, kids and dog in tow. Our neighbors’ son moved, so Isis hasn’t had her friend over for a week. Yesterday, she got another play date with a new friend. My friend and I were so busy trying to corral dogs and kids that no one got any pictures. But not to worry, I got a photo after DH got home.

Between interruptions, my friend and I got some great brainstorming done. The result is that the next book I’ll be working on is a novella, to fill in some of the blanks between The Saturn Society Book 2 and Book 3.

Smiths-Monthly-Cover-10-webWhat I read this week: Smith’s Monthly #10 by Dean Wesley Smith. I read the short stories and serial segments, and started the novel, which I’m really enjoying.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 update: My plans for this week were to finish assisting my publisher getting the updated versions of my books onto the retailers’ sites. That’s all done, except for Apple, which they are working on now. So I’ll consider that a win! The other part of my goal was to review the beta readers’ comments on the upcoming novel. Instead, I sussed out the interim novella, and began outlining it, hence the start of the change in goals noted above.

Which brings me to my overall goals for the quarter: instead of finishing the first draft of the next novel, I’ll be outlining and writing this novella. I don’t have a title for it yet, which bugs me, but I’ll come up with something. The other goals remain the same. I want to get the novella outlined before digging into revisions for the novel, as I might need to add a couple of references to the new novella. So the plan for this week is to keep working on getting Time’s Enemy available for free everywhere, and to finish the outline for the new novella. My Saturday will be busy, so I’ll do well to get those things done.

What about you–have your goals changed lately, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? Do you think those glasses are “it” for Isis? Have you read anything good lately? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.


Reporting Late for Round 3

Once again, I’m a day late and… never mind. Let’s just say last weekend was a busy one with the holiday and all, and I didn’t realize until almost midnight that I hadn’t yet put up my blog. And it was the start of Row80 Round 3! But now that the round has begun, I should be good with my usual routine.

I took the week before off, since there was no ROW80 to report to, and also because there wasn’t much to report.

It is exhausting to be so beautiful!

It is exhausting to be so beautiful!

But the following week–at least the weekend–plenty was going on. For starters, Isis got another Goddess Treatment on Wednesday. When I got home from work, she was crashed on the couch! Such an ordeal, LOL!

We went to some friends’ house for a party on Friday night. These friends really go all out, with fantastic, catered food and major fireworks. We took Isis last year, and the fireworks didn’t bother her, so we figured she’d be fine this year, too.

WRONG. Of course, the fireworks started while DH was off talking to someone on the other side of the house, and Isis freaked! And of course, I was holding her leash, trying to keep her from running.

That wasn’t happening, and I ended up playing George Jetson until one of our friends joined me, right as Isis dragged me through a flowerbed.

I felt like Isis in the photo above by the time my husband got there to calm her and take over.

But otherwise, the party was fun.

We went to my brother’s on the actual holiday, where we had our typical (with him) very late cookout, then more fireworks. This time, we left Isis in the house. When we went to look for her, she was on my brother’s bed, in the farthest corner from where we were setting off fireworks! DH brought her outside, and she actually started to get acclimated to them by the time we left. Then again, our fireworks were nowhere near as big or loud as our friends’ the night before.

The main thing I’ve been working on lately is to get my newsletter signup system in place. Yes, I have one! A few of you may have even signed up for it, eons ago, and have yet to receive a newsletter. That will soon change. If you’re not already on the list, sign up and get a free ebook of “Time’s Holiday,” my Saturn Society short story prequel. If you’re already on the list and haven’t read “Holiday,” just let me know and I’ll be glad to send it to you.

Son Of the Moonless NightWhat I read this week: Son of the Moonless Night by C.D. Hersh. This is the third book in their Turning Stone series, which  features a very different take on shapeshifters. Also an excellent follow-up to the first two, as well as a great lead-in for a fourth book, which I am looking very forward to!

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: It’s time to set goals for Round 3! Most of mine are stuff that didn’t get done last round. But even so, I still accomplished a decent bit. So let’s hope for more of that here. This is what I plan to do:

  • Work with my publisher to get Time’s Enemy made free for promotional purposes.
  • Make changes suggested by my beta readers that I agree with on my upcoming release, and submit it to my publisher (it’s already contracted, so no worries about acceptance).
  • Make changes suggested by my editor, and approve for publication!
  • Dig back in to my next Saturn Society novel that’s about half finished, revise the outline, and complete the first draft.
  • Send out newsletter once a month (maybe twice if I have major news).

Not ambitious at all, huh? 🙂  Actually, this stuff should be quite doable if I don’t get sick, have a family member injured, or anything like that.

This week, I am helping my publisher get my existing Saturn Society books reformatted (so they’re prettier and work better on a variety of devices), and re-published at the various retailers. I also want to review my beta readers’ comments on my upcoming work, and start revisions on that.

What about you–if you’re in the U.S., did you have a fun Fourth of July (Or July First, if you’re in Canada)? If you’re participating in ROW80, what are some of your goals for this round? And even if you don’t do ROW80, how are you doing on whatever goals you might have, writing or otherwise? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.

A Little Slower

This week went a bit more slowly than last, as far as getting things done. It’s been a bad one for headaches, and also the second week of the month, which is the busiest in terms of bookkeeping work for my husband’s business. Although, when I look over what I did get done, it’s more than I thought.

I was hoping to finish decluttering in the kitchen; that didn’t happen. I did get three more cabinets done, leaving two to go, plus the drawers. I also did the freezer last Sunday. So that’s something. It actually wasn’t bad, except one of the door drawers’ bottom was covered in a greenish-purple Popsicle sludge LOL. Didn’t even know that was there–it’s been a long time since we’ve bought Popsicles! But it’s done now, and great to be able to find stuff!

Isis had more play dates, too, but no new photos.

Huntress12What I read this week: Huntress of the Star Empire, Episode 12 by Athena Grayson. Wow, what a fantastic finale to the series! Full of surprises, and some I’d guessed, though there were also plenty of questions still unanswered. This has been such an awesome read, one of the best I’ve read this year (if not longer). I’m honored to have been the cover designer for these. I’m so looking forward to the next season!

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: This is the last full week of Round 2. I did get that third book formatted, but not until today, so it doesn’t quite count. And I did not get any of the mailing list stuff done. But still progress, so that’s good. This week, I want to finish the website and mailing list stuff. When it’s ready, I’ll announce it here first!

What about you–ever have one of those weeks where things just don’t get done? Or one where you feel like you didn’t accomplish much, but when you really think about it, you did? Read anything good lately? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.


Another Good Week

Isis and friend

Isis and friend get some human greetings

I’m happy to report that last week’s pattern of getting stuff done has continued (and no funerals).

I’m continuing to declutter one cabinet or cupboard in the kitchen each evening, and am making progress there. Yesterday, I cleaned out the refrigerator, which hadn’t been done is waaaaaaay too long. Not going to say how much, because my mother reads this blog. 🙂 That took a good bit longer than fifteen minutes, and now, I know some of my writer friends are thinking, I must be trying to avoid writing, or just “why???” Actually, I’m not trying to avoid writing; I’d rather work on that. But it was getting to the point where I was afraid my daughter would call a HAZMAT crew when she returns from Germany in a few weeks, so I cleaned it. (She mentioned that when she was home for spring break–back in March.) The good part? It’s like having a new refrigerator! DH said now when he opens it, he wonders, “is this OUR refrigerator?” then opens the freezer, and thinks, “yep.” That’s today’s decluttering task, and should take a lot less time, since there should be no spilled gunk to clean.

Isis had some more play dates–in fact, her friend is over now, as I write this:

This is the typical speed of a doggy play date

This is the typical speed of a doggy play date

HuntressSet1-3D-1000I did some book covers this week, one for Athena Grayson’s Huntress of the Star Empire series, this time a bundle of the first three novellas. The second cover was for another writer friend whose small press publisher went out of business, and who kindly gave its authors their rights back. I’ll show the cover here when she releases the book, as it’s currently not available at all.

UnleashMoon Huntress11-300What I read this week: Unleash the Moon by Zoe Winters, and Huntress of the Star Empire, Episode 11 by Athena Grayson. I picked up Unleash the Moon when I ran out of Huntress episodes, then had to finish Into the Savage Country, which I discussed last week, because it was a library book. Finally, this week I got back to Unleash and finished it. As with all of Zoe Winter’s books, it was an enjoyable read, although this book felt a little anticlimactic after Forbidden, the prior book in the series. Still good, and still worthwhile, this book is the conclusion of her Preternaturals series.

Huntress just keeps cranking up, leading to the next, and last book in the serial. In this episode, the intense action of Episode 10 lets up, as the Huntress begins to come to grips with who she really is.

ROW80Logo175ROW80 Update: My goal last week was to get the prequel short story in my series reformatted (my publisher wants to upgrade the interior look of their older ebooks, and I do this for them as a contractor), and get it and the first book to my publisher. Did that, so this week’s definitely a win! So this week, my plans are to reformat the next one and get it to the publisher, with some additional mailing list setup stuff as a bonus.

What about you–how has your week been? Have you read any good books lately? Do you ever stop reading one book, then come back to it after finishing another, and if so, why? How are you doing on whatever goals you might have, whether writing or otherwise? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!

Jennette Marie Powell writes stories about ordinary people in ordinary places, who do extraordinary things and learn that those ordinary places are anything but. In her Saturn Society novels, unwilling time travelers do what they must to make things right... and change more than they expect. You can find her books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes, and more.