This round of ROW80 has brought more learning – never a bad thing!
I learned that I do better if I schedule tasks throughout the week, particularly big tasks that need to be broken up into smaller chunks, like read-aloud editing and type-in.
I also learned that too much scheduled stuff is an invitation to get even less done.
It’s a balancing act – schedule what needs to be, without being overwhelming.

It's a balancing act!
I think I pulled it off this week. I scheduled my workouts (which I always do), and some of my writing tasks, since I’m still in a weird, in-between place there. I didn’t get quite everything done. But overall, I’m happy with what I did.
Last week’s results:
- Finish Time’s Fugitive beta reader changes and send to copy editor
- Format Hangar 18: Legacy for Kindle and send to beta readers (emailed them, waiting to hear what format they want)
- Collect remaining tax stuff for accountant
- Read nonfiction book for research
- Three interval workouts plus two short workouts
- Track food intake every day (missed one day, but getting better!)
So, I am pretty much in limbo for the two current projects, writing-wise. One is with my copy editor. The other is ready for beta readers. So it’s time to – yikes! – work on something… new! To that end, I’m going to jump back into a writing course I bought a year ago, and only got through five lessons before I decided to focus on getting other work out. This is Holly Lisle’s How to Think Sideways.
This week’s plans:
- Review HTTS Lessons 1-5
- Send Hangar 18: Legacy to beta readers
- Finish budget for RWA chapter (I’m the treasurer)
- Set up reader newsletter
- Three interval workouts plus two short workouts
- Track food intake every day (keeping this one on the list, because I’m still going back and entering this stuff the following day, which means I’m probably forgetting a few things)
Last week, a few folks asked about my Weekly Status Report. I totally stole this from my day job a few years ago. It’s pretty simple. I list each active project, with a total of how many hours I spent on it the past week, what my accomplishments were, and my plans for the upcoming week. My time estimates are rough, but this still gives me a good idea of time spent – and will further my case that my writing is a serious business, should the IRS ever come calling. I’ve put an example of it here, in case you’re interested.
How did you do this week? Do you keep track of your weekly progress somewhere besides your blog?