Last week, one of my goals was to dye the lace for my daughter’s prom dress, which we’re making. It didn’t quite turn out as planned. As in, it was supposed to be lavender…
…but it’s definitely pink. It could be because my daughter bought ivory lace, and the slight yellowish cast to the fabric combined with the purple to make pink. I don’t think it’s the dye – in the sink, it looked plenty purple! Or it could just be a fluke.
So we bought another bottle of dye, this time blue, in hopes that redyeing with that will make it lavender.
My ROW80 goals did also not quite go as planned, but I can’t blame it on not knowing what we’re doing, or picking the wrong thing to start with: I simply didn’t get everything done. But it didn’t go badly, either.
Here’s how I did:
- Two hours of brainstorming/prewriting my next book – YES!
- Fitness activity 5x – partial, I got 4x in
- Send out press release for Time’s Enemy – no, although I did send it to a friend with a journalism background to look over; she had some good suggestions, which I made, but did not send it yet.
- Assignment for writing workshop – YES!
- Collect info for taxes – partial: I calculated my business mileage to write off, and scheduled our appointment with the accountant, but that’s about it. The appointment is for this Saturday, so this WILL be done by then.
- Dye lace for prom dress, and cut one of the four fabrics in it – partial: the lace is dyed but needs to be redone; did not get to do any cutting.
On another note, I participated in a panel discussion of romance writers for the Dayton Metro Library on Saturday. We didn’t have a huge turnout, but more people showed up than the three I feared. The program went well, and we all had a lot of fun! So that’s something. 🙂
Here are my plans for this week:
- Two plot exercises for my next book
- Fitness activity 5x
- Send out press release for Time’s Enemy
- Assignment for writing workshop, week 2
- Re-dye the lace for prom dress, and cut one of the four fabrics in it
So tell me, have you ever dyed fabric? If so, did it turn out like you expected? If not, what did you do? Have you ever sent out a press release before? Please tell me I’m not alone in being a chicken! And whether or not you’re participating in ROW80, what are your plans for this week? I’d love to hear from you!