ROW80, “The Writing Challenge that Knows You Have a Life,” ended its first Round of the year this past Thursday. Since I only post on Sundays, it’s time for a wrapup, and review of how the quarter went for me and my writing goals.

Isis takes a rest in HER spot
Looking back, my goals were pretty ambitious. Actually, they were really ambitious, given my fatigue issues and the fact that I work full time. I didn’t do much toward this week’s goals either, though for different reasons. Mainly, my daughter was home from college, and that’s a major routine disruptor. One I was happy to have; just one that made not much writing get done. I will also admit that I made the mistake of getting caught up in a computer game, and spent too much time doing that. Writing is fun, but so is gaming, and my husband has been playing this one for a while, so now it’s like family time. Family does come first, after all. 😀 I got about 2000 words written on a new scene, but that’s about it.
Here were my goals for the quarter/Round, and how I did:
- Finish the WIP, get it revised, and out to beta readers – Nope. This book has fought me every step of the way, refusing to be written in order (my usual M.O.) and continually throwing new scenes and ideas that need to be worked in because they’re making it better.
- Prep work for next one, which includes a self-directed workshop – No, see above.
- Make changes to the Love’s a Beach anthology for my publisher – No. (It’s still available, and therefore this is low priority).
- Read one craft or business book – Done, plus read two more!
- Take one online workshop or video series – Done, although with a different workshop than I’d planned, and haven’t gone through a bunch of extras yet, but I will eventually.
Now on the other hand, I ended up doing a few things that weren’t on the list at all. Three of my friends/cover art clients decided to release new work that needed covers. One is for an anthology and was fairly simple; the other was for a serial, so basically is four different covers (we’re reusing each one for three of twelve episodes). I have the anthology cover and three of the serial cover sets done. My other friend just decided to go indie with a project a couple weeks ago, so here’s hoping I’ll get to that one soon. I have a great idea for it, so it will be fun!
I’m also in the process of making my website more mobile-friendly. More and more people are viewing sites through phones and tablets, so this is becoming more important.
And the workshop I ended up taking was more time-intensive than the one I had originally planned to take. All worthwhile, so all is good!
ROW80 Round 2 starts back up on April 6, so I’ll be back on the 5th with my second quarter goals. If you’re a writer, consider joining us! Just click the ROW80 logo or the link at the top of this post for more info.
What I read this week: Smith’s Monthly #9, by Dean Wesley Smith. Not my favorite of these so far, but still entertaining. Ironically, one of my favorite covers, although definitely one that’s more about the “feel” of the story rather than its actual contents. As a cover designer, it’s much more important to capture feel than exact characters or scene, though it’s fantastic when a cover does both. Still liked this one! I also picked back up on Huntress of the Star Empire, Episode 5 by Athena Grayson, which keeps getting better and better!
How about you–do you ever shoot for goals that are way too much? How are you doing on whatever goals you might be working toward, whether writing-related or not? Does your dog take over the sofa? Please share–I’d love to hear from you!