Short post today, because this was Birthday Week. No, I don’t celebrate mine all week long like some people do, but my birthday fell in this week, as well as my husband’s. We also celebrated Mothers’ Day late, as our daughter came home from college on Friday.
There was also a bit of Dog Shaming going on, as you can see in the photo. Isis has perfected “the pout.” She also got into the trash tonight, and chewed up a glasses case (just a cheap one), but no one thought to take a photo.
What I read this week: I started two novels. Normally I don’t read more than one fiction book at a time, but one was a library book that didn’t come in until I had already started the other. I’m not far enough through either to discuss, though.
ROW80 Update: The writing went well this week! I knew the week would be busy, between the family get-together, daughter coming home from school, and the birthdays, so I set a low goal of typing the revisions in to two chapters. I got twelve–half the book! This week will also have some busy, as the daughter leaves for her study-abroad in Germany soon, and there is shopping and other preparations to do, but I’m still hoping to get the type-in finished, and the book off to the beta readers next week. We’ll see how that goes!
What about you–how has your week been? Got any good dog-shaming stories to share? Or pics, maybe? Please share in the comments (links are ok, too!). I’d love to hear from you!