The prom dress is FINISHED, along with the petticoat!
This is a huge accomplishment. My daughter picked out the pattern, and we bought the fabric in January. We started cutting in February (some fabric had to be ordered online), and I’ve done a bit each week since, although I had a couple of slow weeks when I was sick in March. Her boyfriend’s prom is next weekend, and hers is the week following (they go to different schools), so the timing is perfect.
Making this dress took a lot of time, and took me away from my other work (writing)–and it was totally worth it. Even though she arrived home for a school function pretty late last night, and was ready to go to bed, my daughter couldn’t wait to try the dress on. Seeing her face when she wore it for the first time with everything complete was what made it totally worthwhile to put my own dream work on speed: slow while helping her achieve her dream.
My relative with the startup business was really excited with his website, too. They’d had a setback earlier that week, that really bummed him out, and he told me seeing the website gave him and his partners renewed motivation. Another totally-worth-it!
So here’s the recap:
- Dress: make the petticoat, hem and finish the dress – DONE.
- Writing: 2,500 more words on short story – Partial – got about 1700 words written.
- Fitness: 4 short workouts – DONE.
So the dress is done. I’ll let my daughter do the celebrating next weekend!
On the writing front, I didn’t quite reach my goal, and truth be known, that was because I spent too much time goofing off playing computer games on the weeknights. I also have a feeling this short story is going to turn into a novella, but not sure yet so we’ll see. Anyway, here’s my plan for the week:
How about you? Have you knocked out any major goals so far this year? Have you put your goals on hold or on speed-slow to help others reach their goals? And was it worth it? 🙂 I’d love to hear from you!