Seventeen-year-old Taylor Gressman sneaks away on Christmas Eve, hoping to find the angel who saved her life. Instead, an unexpected trip back in time plunges her into the midst of a murderous street gang. Now Taylor must help a newfound friend escape before they become the gang’s next victims, and in the process, learn that giving is the best gift of all.
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What reviewers are saying about The Saturn Society series:
“I could not put it down. The characters were clear and well-drawn. The popping in and out of eras and changes in the surroundings…failed to confuse me. That says a lot for the skill of the author.”
–Maggie, Coffee Time Romance and More
I loved that this was not your typical time travel romance…If you are looking for a different kind of time travel romance, then I highly recommend this one.
–Colette, A Buckeye Girl Reads
“Time’s Enemy is not your typical time travel romance. It takes this general premise and gives it a science fiction edge, taking the reader on a page turning journey… take The Butterfly Effect, mix in The Time Traveler’s Wife, and sprinkle it with Somewhere in Time, and you’ll get this amazing book.
–Lori Reader & Writer, The Otherworld Diner
“…so many little historical touches that I began to wonder if the author could describe them so well because she had slipped back into the past herself.”
–Michele Stegman, author of Mr. Right’s Baby and Fortune’s Pride
“…a wonderfully-paced book that brings all the best parts of Inception, Jumpers, and old-school time-travel romances… a well-researched, exciting adventure through time, and a fascinating, unputdownable story rich in action, romance, and history.”
–Athena Grayson, author of Huntress of the Star Empire and The Winterjacked Cycle